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:::::::::::::::::Also, you agree that people saying that the Badniks from Sonic are "non-sentient" (which is mostly said by the Sonic News Network users and most of the IDW pages for the Badniks) is on par with the dumb enlarged enemy merges that the Super Mario Wiki does (since it is a wrong statement that the wiki refuses to correct due to bias)? Also, I was wondering if you can see if the other Dr. Wily enemy history videos have extreme errors like the Monty Mole and Rocky Wrench ones (and also I want to hear your perspective on those two videos as well)? [[User:MontyMoleLoreMaster|MontyMoleLoreMaster]] ([[User talk:MontyMoleLoreMaster|talk]]) 22:51, March 1, 2023 (UTC)
::::::::::::::::::I agree that it's definitely on par with that, it's almost as if they're making Sonic seem less bad than he really is (when we know he is actually pretty darn bad (probably Pure Evil but I'm not too sure)). Also, I checked out the Dr. Wily's video. In the opening monologue with the slideshow, he makes his first major mistake by including Major Burrows on the slideshow of Monty Moles (he even includes the Monty Mole from ''[[Super Mario Sunshine]]'' too despite not being different), worst of all, he includes the Undergrunt Gunner here as well. Thankfully he doesn't mention anything about Undergrunts being related to Monty Moles in the video (aside from the slideshow at the beginning) however [[:Image:Undergrunt Comment.png|someone in the comments]] did claim that he forgot the mention the Undergrunts in the video. As for the Rocky Wrench video, in the SMB3 chapter, he laughably claims that because the Rocky Wrenches have shells like the Koopas, that Rocky Wrenches must be related in some way despite no official indication that Rocky Wrenches are Koopas. It's only been stated that they were some sort of turtle-mole hybrid but not a Koopa. For the SMG part, I could not've cringed harder if I tried. He outright claims that the Rocky Wrenches "look different" in this game once again stating that they're a full mole rather than a Koopa (despite them never being Koopas at all). He also claims that this is a major appearance and a huge return for the Rocky Wrench and makes absolutely no mention that it is a completely unrelated species that was most likely inspired by the Rocky Wrench, he even claims that SM3DL is their SECOND 3D appearance due to his SMG misconception with the Montys also get a load of these comments on the Rocky Wrench video, [[:Image:Rocky Wrench Comment 1.png|the first got one thing wrong and the other partially right]] and [[:Image:Rocky Wrench Comments 2.png|for the second batch of comments]], tell me what you think. Yeah we could rant about his other evolution videos too. [[User:The RPG Gamer|The RPG Gamer]] ([[User talk:The RPG Gamer|talk]]) 09:59, March 2, 2023 (UTC)
:::::::::::::::::::The funniest part about the badniks being "mindless drones" in IDW misconception was that IT WAS LITERALLY DEBUNKED IN ISSUE 58, since the badniks actually showed a stressed emotion right before they get killed (most prominently the group of Caterkillers and Batbrains that Sonic brutally murders). Funny enough, that same issue has one of the sadistic characters (Lanion) claim that the badniks "destroyed her home," but it just shows the Death Crab walking past her and not even noticing her at all. I am pretty sure she just lied about this claim so that she can make the badniks seem more evil (even though she is the evil one, and same goes with most of Sonics allies). I am pretty sure this badniks not being sentient thing was only made to justify Sonic’s sadistic atrocities and nothing else. Also, as someone who has seen what Sonic does in both the games and comics, I can agree that (especially in the comics) Sonic is pure evil, as he barely takes anything seriously and trust everything as a sick twisted game, and he only cares about himself and committing mass genocide against the badniks (he barely even cares about the animals he "saves," as shown in the Chao Garden from Sonic Adventure). As for my input for Dr. Wily’s videos, all of what you said is true (including the Rocky Wrench Koopa thing, which I totally agree with you on), but there were some things you did miss out. Something I hate about both of the videos is the absolutely terrible footage seen in the older games (cause it is blurry and stretched). For the Monty Mole video, something interesting was that the video actually showed Ragumo in the opening slideshow (making it one of the only Monty Mole species history videos to do this), which makes the inclusion of Major Burrows and the Undergrunt Gunner even more stupid, as he clearly had to have looked at the Monty Mole species list to include Ragumo (since they are pretty obscure), and I did check on if the Super Mario Wiki treated the Undergrunts as Monty Mole species during this time period (and sure enough it didn’t). I really have no idea where Dr. Wily is getting his research from (probably just skimming through the main series appearances and calling it a day), but the fact he even knew Ragumo was a relative to Monty Mole shows that he did do some research, so I don’t get why he made the error. That opening slideshow I am also pretty sure forgot to include Monty Mole variants from the spinoffs (such as Mawful Moles), which is likely because of laziness. Speaking of which, Dr. Wily kind of just pretends the spinoffs are not as important and barely mentions them in his videos (besides like a very brief mention towards the end). The Monty Mole video does thankfully not have a Mario Galaxy section (which would have likely been extremely cringe), but he does skim past the games after New Super Mario Bros. Wii and just vaguely says that they have Monty Moles acting like their past (which is kind of true for some of the games, but not all of them like with 3D Land). Speaking of which, he basically just skims over 3D Land by making a Rick and Morty joke with Morty Mole (which is ironic, since Rick and Morty came after Super Mario 3D Land) and that was about it. He didn’t even really go in-detail about Morty Mole or Monty Mole’s behavior, even though the latter actually has a unique behavior in 3D Land which is worth mentioning. He also just skims past New Super Mario Bros. U and Super Mario Maker (besides a very brief mention at the end for the former), despite that just kind of defeating the purpose of a history video if he just skipped random appearances (which is more stupid since Super Mario Maker was shown in the Rocky Wrench video if I remember correctly). In the brief spinoff mentioning part, he had Mario & Luigi: Dream Team as the Mario & Luigi game representative. While that game did have Monty Moles, it was only like a very minor appearance in the secret Bowser Jr. boss, so it was weird how that game was the one that was meant to represent their Mario & Luigi appearances (I would have chosen BIS instead, since that game had a more major role for the Monty Mole species than Dream Team). He also had the first Mario Party in that spinoff section, despite Monty Moles not even appearing in the Mario Party series until Mario Party 3 (and appearing in every single subsequent Mario Party (including the handheld ones) starting with Mario Party 5). At the end of the video, he also shows three games that "Monty Moles additionally appeared in" (being New Super Mario Bros. U, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario 3D World). Only New Super Mario Bros. U had Monty Moles, and we already know why Super Mario Galaxy has no Monty Moles. But my real question is why Super Mario 3D World was included there? Super Mario 3D World didn’t even have any mole species at all (not even an unrelated one like the Mario Galaxy games), so I have no idea why the hell Dr. Wily included 3D World to begin with. My best guess was that he just blindly assumed Monty Moles were in that game because they appeared in 3D Land, but that is still a stupid reason. I also seen this misconception being done with Rocky Wrench, and it makes just as little sense. The Rocky Wrench video you were pretty spot on with. Like, Rocky Wrenches being called turtles doesn’t automatically make them Koopas (cause not every turtle in the Mario series is a Koopa), it just likely means that they could be turtles unrelated to Koopas. Also Rocky Wrenches being moles is true, as it was stated in the 3D Land Prima Guide that they are moles. I think that it is very likely that Rocky Wrenches are both moles and turtles, but not Koopas (because being a turtle doesn’t automatically make you a Koopa, it would be like if someone said every mole in the Mario series was related to Monty Mole). Yeah I agree the Super Mario Galaxy section was extremely cringe worthy and hard to watch, as it was basically Dr. Wily treating SMG Monty as 100% the exact same as Rocky Wrench with no differences whatsoever (even with stupid claims that they are "space engineers," which is stupid since Rocky Wrenches never even appeared in space as of 2023), despite that not being true at all. I also remembered him making a brief remark that the SMG Montys were a different species, but it was like one sentence and every part of that video tried to make it out like SMG Monty was 100% a Rocky Wrench (and as someone who researches Monty Mole lore, the part where he said Super Mario Galaxy was a "major role" for Rocky Wrench genuinely made me cringe the first time I saw it (and it still does make me cringe)). He also treats the airships returning in Mario Galaxy like it 100% means Rocky Wrenches came back in that game to be in them, which is stupid since Rocky Wrench isn’t even in Mario Galaxy, and the SMG Montys (which he treats like they are 100% Rocky Wrenches) never even appear in any of the airship levels at all, so even if they were Rocky Wrenches (which they obviously aren’t), his claim doesn’t even mean anything, as the ""Rocky Wrenches"" never are seen with the airships. Dr. Wily also treats Mario Kart DS as just some small minor role he throws at the end of the video, which is stupid stance that game was literally Rocky Wrench’s first appearance in a (non-remake) since like 1992. Yet Mario Kart DS is treated as this insignificant game, while Super Mario Galaxy was treated as this "major appearance and return for Rocky Wrench" (which even for the main series is false, since New Super Mario Bros. Wii was clearly the actual proper return for Rocky Wrench, since it gave them their current design and attack patterns that they would keep since). Yeah, we could rant about the other Dr. Wily history videos (though I do not hate Dr. Wily as a person, I just think these vidoes were pretty poorly made, especially that abysmal Rocky Wrench video). Also, mind uploading the goggless Rocky Wrench models and the skeleton Monty Mole model from Mario Strikers Charged soon? One additional thing was me wondering if we could do a rant on this old website (which haven’t been updated since 2013) called [ Mario Monsters], and talk about the wrong stuff it said on the Monty Mole species pages (believe me, there is a lot, and it is insanely cringe worthy). [[User:MontyMoleLoreMaster|MontyMoleLoreMaster]] ([[User talk:MontyMoleLoreMaster|talk]]) 23:38, March 2, 2023 (UTC)
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